• Content Strategy Analysis
  • iFixit Remote Usability Test
  • iFixit Personae
  • WSET Wine Quiz App
  • Bridgeford Memo Edit
  • Nutrition Grant Proposal
  • iFixit Blog Series
  • iFixit Ignite Talk
  • Wireframes and Comps
  • Infographic
  • PBS Show Catalyst Bumper
  • Wine & Flours Blog Poster

Welcome to my portfolio.

  • Please use the artifact menu to browse through my past projects.

  • The menu is organised by each artifact's main focus.

  • Every project is accompanied by an explanation including the project type, the skills used, the technology utilised, and a description of the process used and outcomes reached.

Bridgeford Industries Internal Memo

Project Type: Comprehensive Editing

Skills: Professional Communication, Editing for Audience, Critical Thinking, Writing to Form

Technology: Microsoft Word

Description: This project required me to create a new document for communicating a situation relayed to a PR consultant working for Bridgeford Industries. The document uses formal memorandum conventions. The tone is kept professional and the words were chosen carefully to convey knowledge without shifting blame.

The document is an example of my understanding of the relationships between language, knowledge, and power.


Nutritional Desert - Grant Proposal

Project Type: Reasearch and Proposal Writing

Skills: Research, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Writing to Form, Drafting and Revising

Technology: Microsoft Word

Description: This document follows established grant document protocols to obtain funding for a project to reduce nutrition deserts in urban and rural locations. It uses carefully gathered research to explain the situation and justify the use of the grant money for the proposed project.

The document is the final draft that incorporates all of the research and knowledge I have gained on the subject in order to obtain funding for the grant project proposed.


iFixit.com Planned Blog Series

Project Type: Communication Through Convention, Audience Analysis

Skills: User-centered Design, Writing to Form, Audience Analysis, Critical Thinking, Drafting and Revising

Technology: Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word

Description: This document contains a blog series raising awareness for planned obsolescence and community events being hosted by iFixit. The blog series uses design theory utilised in blog posts online. It caters to the typical iFixit website user with the intention of spreading to communities nationally.

The document is the final draft of a suggested blog series to raise awareness for planned obsolescence and for generating interest in iFixit events using my previously held knowledge and new knowledge integrated through research.

iFixit - Ignite Talk Based Presentation

Project Type: Content Strategy Proposal

Skills: Visual Communication, Visual Editing, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Content Analysis, Research

Technology: Adobe Photoshop, Powerpoint, Vimeo

Description: This presentation is the final result of the content analysis performed to gain a greater web audience and create a bigger iFixit community. It is a proposal that explains the results and offers solutions to easily integrate changes moving forward.

This format is an example of my understanding of using technology communication conventions and my ability to understand the way they impact knowledge dissemination.


Content Strategy Analysis - iFixit

Project Type: Research and Analysis

Skills: Research, Content Analysis, Audience Analysis, Writing to Form, Critical Thinking, Drafting and Revising

Technology: Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word

Description: This is an analysis of iFixit's ability to convey necessary information to its audience written in a report format. It offers suggestions for growth and acknowledges strengths already present.

This is the final draft of a series of research documents design to optimise iFixit's online content. It is the an example of my understanding of the role technology plays in accessing and providing information.


Remote Usability Test - iFixit

Project Type: Usability Analysis, Research Study

Skills: Research, Analysis, Critical Thinking, Communication, Problem Solving

Technology: Zoom, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat

Description: This usability test was performed during the pandemic and provided unique obstacles during the testing process. Consideration was taken to ensure the accuracy of the test and the safety of all participants and examiners.

This test and analysis is an example of my ability to conduct an effective test via remote access using technology showcasing my understanding of the flexibilty technology offers in communication.


iFixit Personae

Project Type: Audience Analysis, Visual Communication

Skills: Visual Communication, Critical Thinking, Audience Analysis, Writing to Form

Technology: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat

Description: These personae are the end result of my research into iFixit's audience. They are amalgamations of demographic data to create new, unique examples of potential audience members.

This document showcases my ablity to read, interpret, and evaluate research studies in order to present them in an easily digestible visual format.

Adobe XD does not allow content to be embedded, click here to navigate to working prototype.

WSET Wine Quiz Application - Prototype

Project Type: User Experience Design, Research, Application Comp

Skills: Visual Communication, Visual Editing, Research, Analysis, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Application Design, Writing to Form

Technology: Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop

Description: This is a mockup that allows someone to progress through the application to see the workings of the quiz before strict programming code is applied. The project required research on the topic being tested in the quiz.

This application uses visual clues to quickly convey knowledge on the progress made by the test-taker. It demonstrates my ability to use different technologies to acheive greater results during the design and planning stages.


Construction Company Website - Redesign

Project Type: Content Analysis and Website Design

Skills: Visual Communication, Visual Editing, , Audience Analysis, Graphic Design, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Drafting and Revising

Technology: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD

Description: These designs are intended for redesigning a family-owned construction company's website. The initial website is difficult to navigate visually and does not appeal to the company's target audience.

This document showcases the progression from the initial planning phase of the website's design through to the final Comp images created to demonstrate the finished design.


Planned Obsolesence Infographic

Project Type: Photography and Typography

Skills: Visual Communication, Visual Editing, Problem Solving

Technology: Adobe Photoshop

Description: This project utilized both photographic imagery and typography to create an informative graphic object about a topic I had previously researched. I used visual design theory to communicate and emphasize a message. I gathered and edited stock imagery and carefully selected text to create a final image using Adobe Photoshop.

The total image conveys my knowledge of the impact of planned obsolescence in an easily interpreted format.

Catalyst Bumper Clip - PBS Science Show

Project Type: Video Editing and Design

Skills: Visual Communication, Graphic Design, Content Analysis, Video Editing

Technology: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, YouTube

Description: This bumper clip was submitted to the Arizona based PBS science show Catalyst for use in separating different segments of the show. It follows a style guide provided by the production crew to create a cohesive look throughout the show.

The video uses multiple animation conventions to communicate motion, timing, and anticipation.


Event Poster - Wine & Flours Blog

Project Type: Photography Editing and Graphic Design

Skills: Visual Communication, Visual Editing

Technology: Adobe Photoshop

Description: This poster was created during the pandemic to showcase a new way to perform guided wine tasting services safely utilising existing technology.

This poster is an example of my ability to use technology to communicate information visually utilising different editing techniques and my ability to recognise cultural patterns in communication.